UMary Earns Nation’s Top Community Service Award in ACHA Division II Hockey

Hockey Team with Large Bear

Hockey Team Working on filling bags of food for the food pantry
During Christmas, 掠夺者曲棍球队的成员自愿花时间装满食品杂货袋,并向10个县有需要的儿童运送了400多只泰迪熊.

BISMARCK, ND — 2019-2020年立博中文版冰球队的荣誉继续堆积. 美国大学曲棍球协会(ACHA)授予掠夺者曲棍球队男子二级社区服务奖,以表彰他们对俾斯麦-曼丹社区和周边地区的服务.

这个年度奖项旨在表彰在2019-2020年期间对当地社区和/或慈善组织做出杰出贡献的人. Some of the servant-leadership projects the 25-member team took part in over the course of the season — cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic — include: involvement with Freshmen Move-In Day; North Dakota Special Olympics State Bowling Championship; physical education efforts with New Salem ISD elementary school children; The Green Bandana Project in support of Mental Health Awareness; packing backpacks for local area students deemed in need of meals for the weekend, supporting over 1500 kids in the area each week; a Teddy Bear Toss game with over 500 bears; and a Military Appreciation Night which paired with a local Military Appreciation Classic Car show raising funds for local veterans and their families.

Hockey Team with Large Bear

掠夺者队曲棍球总教练丹·亨特利说,这个奖项体现了立博中文版体育大学的使命 Greatness through Virtue- 2019年宣布的一项新的综合战略计划,旨在通过良性领导和全人发展,挑战当代校际体育文化,重塑大学体育体验, academic and athletic excellence, new sports facilities, and a renewed commitment to health, safety and personal well-being for all its scholar-athletes. Greatness through Virtue 将传统的大学体育体验回归到其最初的焦点——性格的形成.

“It has been an amazing year for our program,” said Huntley. “这是我们在冰上和冰上取得成功的第二年

​​​​​​​Marauders Hockey Head Coach Dan Huntley in the team locker room.
Marauders Hockey Head Coach Dan Huntley in the team locker room.

现在,我们在场外的贡献得到了全国的认可,这使我们的项目圆满完成. 我为我们的同学感到骄傲,也很幸运能成为这所崇尚美德成就伟大的大学的一员. It is a way we do things here at UMary and our guys have embraced their role. Each scholar-athlete is impacted in their own way, 但最终,帮助他人和社区的时间是他们在年轻时学会无私的一种方式, 更好的团队成员和社区成员,通过他们彼此建立的关系建立彼此之间的信任. 感谢美国运动员协会对学生运动员及其仆人式领导的认可.”

尽管由于疫情,ACHA锦标赛取消了, 立博中文版冰球队在成立的第二年就在场上和场下取得了如此巨大的成就. In 2019-2020, Marauders hockey finished atop the Mountain West Collegiate Hockey League regular season standings; posted 39 victories — equaling the win totals of their inaugural season the year before — and earning an automatic berth in the national championship tournament; the ACHA named Huntley Coach of the Year; were ranked No.1 in the nation five of 11 polls and ranked No. 2 overall at the end of the season; earned a team GPA of 3.12; and five players garnered Academic All-American honors and two 2ndTeam members were named.


Hockey team with a box of bears

在短短两年的时间里,掠夺者队的冰球队已经成为了全国冰场内外的强队. 本月早些时候,立博中文版宣布了学生和学者运动员在9月8日开始的秋季学期重返校园的计划, 2020. The school will have procedures, 根据疾病控制中心(CDC)和北达科他州卫生部(NDDOH)制定的规定和协议.

About the University of Mary

立博中文版秉承“生命之光”的校训,通过尖端的专业课程和研究生课程为学生提供全面的人生教育,这些课程以道德勇气和所选专业的领导能力以及对社区的服务为动力. A private, co-educational Catholic institution, the University of Mary welcomes students of all faiths and backgrounds.

A Christian, Catholic, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, Mary offers nearly 60 bachelor’s, 15 master’s, and four doctoral programs—in Education, Nursing Practice, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. 在全国大学体育协会(NCAA)和美国大学曲棍球协会(ACHA)会议的管理下,19个体育项目的体育部门坚持其美德伟大的使命. With more than 3,800 students, Mary has locations in North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, Arizona, Rome, Italy, as well as vibrant online offerings. For more information, visit

About American Collegiate Hockey Association

美国大学冰球协会(ACHA)是一个公认的501(c)3组织,由近500所学院和大学附属的项目提供结构, regulates operations, 并在全美范围内提升大学冰球的质量.  Headquartered in Troy, Michigan, 美国冰球协会的主要任务是支持全国高校冰球项目的发展.  该协会制定了统一和规范大学级别球队的标准,并于2019年9月进入了第29个赛季.