


俾斯麦,和 这有点令人惊讶, 有点令人震惊, to hear a Canadian talk passionately about his favorite sport — and it’s not hockey. 内特·科尔布来自加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的Cloverdale, traded in his hockey sticks for baseball bats at a very young age and has never looked back. 小时候, Kolb often took advantage of his proximity to Seattle by attending many Mariners Major League Baseball (MLB) games. 当加拿大变冷的时候, spring break for the Kolb’s meant many trips to the desert sun in 亚利桑那州 to watch spring training.  

作为一名球迷,他对这项运动的热爱在作为一名年轻运动员的时候就已经蔓延到了赛场上. His baseball success brought him to compete at the Canadian Youth National Tournament in Toronto in 2013, while there he watched a Toronto Blue Jays game in person and cheered for some of his favorite players on the team, 比如Roy Halladay. Kolb extended his baseball career with success in the junior college ranks and then as a recruit for the University of Mary Marauders as a pitcher.

“我在立博中文版总共投了一局,科尔布在谈到他在立博中文版两年的棒球生涯时说. “My baseball career here was a bit of a failure which led to the [Marauders] coaching role. 我在雷达上测到的最高时速是每小时87英里. 转到立博中文版这里, 我的快球速度变慢了,所以我的职业生涯开始走下坡路. That’s what really propelled my interest in player development and kinesiology.”

Once his collegiate career ended last year Kolb knew there would be no Major League Baseball (MLB) teams drafting him to play. But he offered an interesting and unique perspective as an injured athlete wanting to help other athletes and prevent them from possibly suffering the same fate as him while competing. L我是一个真正的运动员, 科尔布接受了他的伤病缺点, 尽管他可能会很痛苦地把这些事翻出来, and made those experiences a winning combination with the University of Mary graduate kinesiology program.

When I first went to school I was originally interested in nutrition and was studying to become a sports dietician,科尔布补充道。. “Upon transferring to Mary from my junior college I had to switch to exercise science. 我很快就爱上了运动科学. From there the natural progression was to continue my studies at Mary with their graduate kinesiology program. The degree allows me to conduct research and continue the pursuit of knowledge in the study of human movement.”

Kolb’s first-hand experience as an undergraduate student in Mary’s exercise science department helped him advance into the field of strength and conditioning. That led to graduate kinesiology study at Mary where he worked with University of Mary’s Biomechanics and Kinesiology Coordinator and Assistant Professor, 詹妮尔奥尔森, to develop a testing battery for Mary’s baseball team using the kinesiology department’s resources, 比如测力板.

“The ability to have the resources and support from the department and faculty enabled me to dive into projects with confidence for hands-on experience — which helped me progress exponentially to where I am now,他补充道.

“The Kinesiology program develops leaders in all areas and assists in enhancing their knowledge of human movement to advance them to the next level,”医生说。. 瑞秋·约翰逊·克鲁格,立博中文版运动训练和运动学系主任. “我们的学位可以帮助学生在他们选择的职业中脱颖而出. 我们在这里帮助他们进步,无论是在健身行业的工作, 学校设置, 或者专业设置, 我们可以帮助他们实现他们的梦想. 今年,内特·科尔布的梦想变成了现实.”

Shortly after the new year Kolb received an offer from the 亚利桑那州 Diamondbacks.  

“我的反应是震惊和极度兴奋,”科尔布补充道. “I will be one of the strength coaches for the 亚利桑那州 League rookie ball team with the Diamondbacks, 这是他们小联盟体系的一部分. My duties will include everything and anything weight room and movement related.”

在棒球比赛中, sometimes the ball needs to bounce the right way to get the baserunner out at home plate, 或者是罕见的三垒打, 或者抓住一个试图盗垒的跑垒者. 科尔布会是第一个承认的人, this opportunity took a fortuitous bounce when he met Diamondbacks assistant minor league baseball strength and conditioning coordinator and fellow Mary alum, 德里克·萨默维尔市, 在一次会议上.

“我们因为立博中文版的棒球项目而联系上了,”科尔布补充道. “He was interested in what we were doing and asked if he could come talk shop with our coaching staff and see what we were doing. After that I applied for a job with a different organization and called Derek looking for advice on how to prepare for those interviews. 圣诞节后两天, Derek called me and told me that a position had just opened up with the Diamondbacks and that he thought I would be a good fit for it and if I'd be willing to interview for it, 我说是的, 剩下的就是历史了.”

When baseball players first get called up for a very brief stint with the major league ball club, 它被称为“一杯咖啡”,因为这就是停留的速度. Kolb isn’t having any of that, especially after his very short playing career with the Marauders.


科尔布将于本周五启程前往亚利桑那州, 2月25日, as his career with the Diamondbacks begins next week before the start of Spring Training. “

“I spent many spring breaks growing up watching spring training games in 亚利桑那州 on family trips and now I get to be a part of spring training in a more personal, 专业, 和响尾蛇队在一起很激动人心. 这个机会是难以置信的,梦想成真了.”

任何希望了解更多有关该计划的人都可以访问 运动机能学网站,或联系 Dr. 瑞秋·约翰逊·克鲁格; (701) 355-8206; or by contacting an admissions representative at enroll@lefoudy.com,或致电 (701) 355-8030.


True to its motto “lumen vitae” — The Light of Life — the University of Mary offers 教育 for the whole of life through cutting-edge 专业 programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

 一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 19个硕士, 还有五个商学博士项目, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗, 还有物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务.
